Selling the unseen: the art of marketing intangible results

Selling the unseen: the art of marketing intangible results

What do your work and a ghost have in common? Hint: it’s not that they both haunt you at 3am.

It’s that neither has to be tangibly visible to make one hell of an impact.

“But my work doesn’t have tangible outcomes. It’s soooo hard to sell.” I hear this constantly.

And it’s BS.

I say this with love - as always - because I am SO fed up with seeing so-called experts telling people that “if you can’t talk about your results tangibly you won’t sell”

It’s so unhelpful, and it’s utterly untrue.

Selling the “intangible” is about painting a picture so vivid, your audience can’t help but feel it in their bones. It's about making the unseen utterly unmissable.

➡️ Think about it. How would you sell a sunset to someone who's never seen one? Would you list the wavelengths of light, the exact hues on the Pantone scale? Or would you talk about the warmth on their face, the peace that envelops them, the promise of a new day?

Your work is that sunset. It’s the peace in their chaos, the ‘aha!’ in their endless scrolling. 🌅

Let’s talk about some examples of 'intangible' work and how you CAN sell it:

  • Stress management: don’t talk to me about cortisol levels (🥱). Tell me about the feeling of finally breathing freely, of sleeping like a baby, or finding joy in the little things again. Paint me a picture of life without the constant hum of horrendous anxiety. That’s the stuff of dreams. And people pay really good money to turn dreams into reality.
  • More confidence: don't just sell me on the idea of "boosting confidence". Dive into the feeling of walking into any room and owning it with the kind of aura that commands attention without uttering a word, all because you know that you're that bitch. Describe the transformation from wallflower to wildfire, from the shadows to the spotlight, where self-doubt takes a backseat and simmers RIGHT down. 💪
  • Getting back more time: this isn't about spewing boring productivity hacks or glorifying the wildly unrealistic 4-hour workweek. 🤦‍♀️ It's about giving them back those stolen moments - lazy Sunday mornings, spontaneous midweek adventures, or the sheer bliss of doing sweet fuck all without the guilt.
  • Reducing anxiety: forget the clinical talk of "managing your symptoms". Tell me how it feels to live with a heart that doesn't race at the sound of a email from that nightmare client, or how it feels to live without the shakes, the sweats, and the stifling pressure of life. 😥 That’s not just relief - it's full blown freedom!
  • Finding purpose: for the love of tequila, please miss me with that existential mumbo-jumbo. Instead, gimme me the vivid, life-affirming joy of waking up with a mission, of knowing your 'why' so deeply it resonates in every step you take, of being so aligned with your purpose that the universe itself conspires to help you. We’re talking about the kind of fulfilment that doesn’t just fill a void but overflows it with meaning and passion. 🔥

Your job isn’t to hand them a ruler to measure their success. It’s to make them feel it.

And here's the kicker...

What supercharges your ability to sell these elusive dreams? A whack-you-round-the-head-and-knock-your-socks-off-so violently-you-momentarily-forget-to-breathe personal brand.

When your brand voice is distinct and unforgettable, that’s when the magic really happens - and the sales start flowing.

Your audience doesn’t just recognise you; they feel like they’re catching up with an old friend every time they see your posts or emails. It's your warmth, your quirks, the way you speak your unfiltered thoughts that transform followers into loyal followers, and, eventually, even loyaler clients.

And it’s definitely not about shouting louder.

Depth over decibels, baby.

The most potent currency in the online business world isn’t tangibles; it’s trust, identity, and those irreplaceable vibes only you can bring to the table.

And trust me, when you embrace that, your people listen. They lean in. And they buy.

Ready to sell make your "intangible" impact impossible to ignore? Click below to see how we can work together to transform your offerings into vivid, compelling narratives that not only captivate but convert your ideal clients.